Stand-up comedy: writing and delivering

“ You are funny, I am interested. You are not funny, I am not interested ” - Jerry Seinfeld.

Am I funny? This is a question many people ask themselves. I believe the answer is YES, everybody is funny. The problem is to look for the comic potential, and then learn to fully express it.

Stand-up comedy is getting more and more popular as a form of entertainment and as a hobby, thanks to Word famous shows on Netflix, Youtube etc. It’s a great activity to explore our communication potential, reflect on everyday life issues, and to get out of our comfort zone.

About the course

This workshop aims at learning about different types of comedy, get to know some of the most popular performers, their differences and styles. It will also dive into some controversial aspects of the genre, how it can get edgy, political, uncomfortable and if it needs to have safe spaces.

Participants will have opportunities to explore their personality, looking for their unique comedy style and voice. They will mine their everyday lives to find good comedy material, exercise writing and delivery, with many public speaking and acting tips. The group dimension will make sure the learning will be cooperative and engaging. At the end of the course the different acts will be part of a “graduation show” organized for colleagues, friends and family members. Comedy must be raw and uncomfortable, so get ready!

Objectives of the course:

  • to learn about the basic principles of stand-up comedy;
  • to explore each own’s individual “comic potential” and to understand that everything and everybody can be funny;
  • to reflect on the controversial and edgy aspects of comedy and humor, and what can be appropriate in different contexts;
  • to exercise comedy writing, both for the stage or other settings (like advertisement, social media);
  • to exercise delivery, with exercises and practice coming from theatre, improv, public speaking;
  • each participant will create their effective, tested, ready to be performed 5-7 minutes stand-up comedy routine!

Ready to find out more?

Drop me a line, we'll get in touch!

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